
You may take Benadryl, Sudafed, Claritin, Claritin-D, Zyrtec, & Zyrtec-D

You may experience backaches due to the added weight gain from your pregnancy. But that isn’t the only reason your back may hurt. As your womb grows, your pelvic bone joints relax, which can also cause pain in your lower back. Comfortable shoes may help a little, good posture may help too, but exercise will probably relieve your backache more than anything else. Strong muscles can take more stress without hurting.
Develop a routine of back exercises every day from the beginning of your pregnancy. There are many good books available about exercising and pregnancy.
A heating pad on medium heat four times per day for 15 minutes may help with the pain. Try to avoid heavy lifting and if necessary, wear a maternity belt.

A common complaint of pregnant women. Aim to have a bowel movement at least evry other day. Drink 6-10 10 oz glasses of water daily. Increase your fiber intake; eat plenty of fruits and raw vegetables. You can also add 1tbs-unmilled bran to your cereal or food daily or add BENEFIBER, FIBERSURE, Metamucil. Exercise every day.
Stool softeners, Docusate sodium (Colace) {highly recommended and always safe to take, increase from 1 pill 2 times per day to keep bowel movements soft.Take throughout pregancy and postpartum.} Milk of Magnesia when no BM by 2 days.

Cough, Colds, Flu
fever/aches: try Tylenol; Tylenol Cold is also fine.
congestion: first try inhaling steam, salt water gargles, saline nasal spray. If these are not helpful may try Sudafed or Actifed for congestion.Decongestant nasal spray for a max of 5 days
cough: Delsym, Robitussin plain or DM (dextromorphan). Cough drops can also be helpful.

Increase clear fluids to avoid dehydration. Suggested clear liquids include soft drinks without caffeine, weak tea, Gatorade, Jell-O, popsicles. Plain water may be nauseating to an upset stomach. Pepto Bismol is not recommended as it may be metabolized to aspirin.
Avoid milk products & spicy or greasy foods.
Try the BRAT diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.
You may take Kaopectate or Imodium as directed on package.
FeverYou may take Tylenol (as directed on the package). Call the office if temperature is over 100.4°F.

Use Mylicon, Mylanta, Maalox. Be warned, however, that flatulence is a natural part of being pregnant and is not necessarily preventable.

Headaches are fairly common during pregnancy and usually are not a sign of a serious problem. How often they occur and how bad they are may vary. Discuss with your obstetrician what medications you can use for your headache. If headache is severe or if it is associated with blurry vision or spots in front of your eyes, worsening swelling, fever, or excessive nausea or vomiting, call the office.
You may take Tylenol (as directed on package)

Heartburn is another common complaint of pregnant women. It is alright to use antacid preparations but do not use sodium bicarbonate preparations for your heartburn – for example, Pepto Bismol is not recommended. Tums, Maalox, Pepcid, Zantac 75, and Tagamet are okay.
Avoid spicy foods. Remain sitting up (try not to recline or lie down) for ½ hour after meals. In severe cases of heartburn, you might want to elevate the head of your bed to encourage your stomach fluids to stay put! (Add 4″ of books beneath the head posts to elevate the head of the bed temporarily).

Prevention is the word here! In particular, try and avoid constipation and straining and prolonged sitting on the toilet. Eat correctly and add fruits, raw vegetables, bran products and lots of water to your diet every day.
Anusol HC, Preparation H,and/or Tucks Medicated pads can be used for the temporary relief of external itching, burning and irritation associated with hemorrhoids. Stool softeners may assist with preventing constipation.
You may take Benadryl (as directed on package).
Leg CrampsLeg cramping may increase in the second and third trimesters. Try stretching your legs before you go to bed and consider increasing calcium intake (eat more dairy foods or use a supplement).

Nausea & Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting may occur until around the 14th week of pregnancy. It may be worse in the morning but unless it is excessive or interferes with adequate food retention, should not be cause for alarm.
It is best to eat smaller, more frequent meals. Eat bland foods, such as toast or crackers, when you first get up in the morning. Avoid fatty, greasy, fried, highly acidic and spicy foods. Take your prenatal vitamin during the day when nausea is less of a problem.
Try to increase fluid intake to stay hydrated. Consider clear cool liquids such as carbonated beverages (not cola), popsicles, juice-flavored Jell-O.
Save over-the-counter options include Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine / 200mg up to three times a day), ginger capsules, Dramamine, Unisom (50mg daily), or Seabands (acupressure wristbands).
If the nausea and vomiting persists or you are unable to keep any food or liquid down, call us. Sometimes prescription medication or intravenous hydration is necessary.

Skin Irritation
Calamine lotion, hydrocortisone lotion, Neosporin ointment.
Sore ThroatAny cough drops or lozenges, or Tylenol (as directed on package).

In this case it is best to call the office. ‘Bloody discharge’ right after intercourse is common and will subside by the next day.

For diarrhea symptoms please check above.
If vomiting, avoid anything orally until vomiting slows down or stops. Hydration is much more important than food, so clear liquids are recommended until stomach settles down. Suggested clear liquids include soft drinks without caffeine, weak tea, Gatorade, Jell-O, popsicles. Plain water may be nauseating to an upset stomach. As appetite returns, try the BRAT diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
We recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to reduce your chance of getting a UTI. Do not hold your urine for long durations. Call the office if you have burning with urination, urinary frequency increases or if you notice blood in your urine. Most common symptom in pregnancy is cramping. UTI must be treated or can become severe in pregnancy.

Vomiting Please look under Nausea.

Yeast Infection
Yeast is one of the common conditions that causes whitish vaginal discharge and itching & redness of the vulvar and vaginal areas.
Monistat 7 day is safe in pregnancy – however, only insert the applicator halfway. Do not use the 1-day treatment. The symptoms should improve in several days. If the symptoms do not respond to the Monistat treatment, call the office to schedule an appointment.